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Join us in raising awareness for World Thrombosis Day - together we can fight against the silent killer and save lives!
Interested in Sponsoring World Thrombosis Day?
Mark your calendars for World Thrombosis Day on October 13th – a day dedicated to raising awareness of thrombosis and its impact on individuals, families and communities. This day was founded in 2008 by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) to draw attention to this serious medical condition, which affects millions of people around the world. Through education, research and support, we can work together to prevent thrombosis-related complications. So join us as we celebrate World Thrombosis Day and raise awareness about this important cause!
Educate your family on the risks of thrombosis, the symptoms, and what can be done to prevent it. Knowledge is power and understanding the signs of a potentially life-threatening condition can help save lives.
Find a local charity or organization working to raise awareness of thrombosis and donate to their cause. Your donation can help support research and education initiatives.
Organize a blood drive in your community to help increase blood supply and reduce the risk of thrombosis. Blood donations are always needed, so this is a great way to lend a helping hand.
Volunteer at a hospital or other organization involved in thrombosis awareness and research. You can help by providing support for patients or participating in fundraising efforts.
Use social media to spread the word about World Thrombosis Day. Post facts and statistics about thrombosis and encourage others to join you in raising awareness.
World Thrombosis Day is an important time for raising awareness about the dangers of thrombosis. By bringing attention to this sometimes overlooked but serious medical condition, more people will be aware of their risk factors and make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Timely diagnosis and treatment can make a huge difference in the outcome of someone with a thrombotic event. World Thrombosis Day strives to encourage everyone - including healthcare providers - to be aware of the signs and symptoms so that appropriate action can be taken as soon as possible.
People living with thrombosis often need special care and monitoring beyond just medication or surgery. World Thrombosis Day aims to bring attention to these needs, helping ensure that all affected individuals receive the best possible care throughout their journey with this serious medical condition.