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MedicAlert Awareness Month

Help spread awareness and support those with medical conditions during MedicAlert Awareness Month - wear your bracelet proudly!
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August 1
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Get ready to raise awareness and show support for a life-saving organization on MedicAlert Awareness Month, starting on August 1! MedicAlert Foundation was founded in 1956 with the mission of providing individuals with medical conditions or allergies a way to communicate their vital health information in case of an emergency. This month is dedicated to spreading the word about this important organization and its impact on countless lives. So let's join together and celebrate the amazing work of MedicAlert and its dedication to keeping people safe and informed.

History of MedicAlert Awareness Month

MedicAlert Awareness Month Dates

MedicAlert Awareness Month Timeline

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1956</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Founding of MedicAlert Foundation</div><div class='timeline-text'>Dr. Marion Collins established the MedicAlert Foundation to aid individuals in communicating their crucial medical information in emergencies.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1990s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Global Expansion of MedicAlert</div><div class='timeline-text'>The foundation expanded to Canada, UK, Australia, South Africa and other countries, making medical identification jewelry available worldwide.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2011</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Digital Health Record Introduction</div><div class='timeline-text'>MedicAlert introduced digital health records, giving members the ability to update their medical information securely online.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2014</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Launch of Kids Program</div><div class='timeline-text'>My MedicAlert for Kids program launched, providing free services to children aged 4 to 14 with medical conditions.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2019</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>MedicAlert Awareness Month</div><div class='timeline-text'>August was formally recognized as MedicAlert Awareness Month, promoting the necessity of medical identification in case of emergencies.</div></div></div>

How to Celebrate MedicAlert Awareness Month

<div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>1</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Spread awareness on social media</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Share posts and information about MedicAlert on your social media platforms to raise awareness and educate others about the importance of wearing a medical ID bracelet.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>2</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Host a fundraising event</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Organize a charity event, such as a walk or run, to raise funds for MedicAlert and promote their cause. You can also set up a donation page to collect donations online.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>3</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Volunteer at a local hospital or healthcare facility</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Spend some time giving back to your community by volunteering at a hospital or healthcare facility and promoting the use of medical IDs for patient safety.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>4</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Organize a MedicAlert awareness day at your workplace</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Partner with your employer to host a MedicAlert awareness day at your workplace. You can invite a representative from the organization to speak and provide information about their services.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>5</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Write to your local government representatives</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Contact your local government representatives and urge them to support MedicAlert and their mission to protect and save lives through medical IDs.</p></div></div>

Why MedicAlert Awareness Month is Important

<div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>A</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>It educates people about lifesaving medical information</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>MedicAlert Awareness Month highlights the importance of sharing medical information with emergency responders in case of an emergency. By being informed and aware, we can potentially save lives by providing crucial information about allergies, chronic conditions, and medications to first responders.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>B</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>It promotes a sense of community and support for those with medical conditions</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>During MedicAlert Awareness Month, individuals and organizations come together to raise awareness and show support for those with medical conditions. This helps create a sense of community for these individuals and reminds them that they are not alone in their journey.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>C</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>It encourages people to proactively manage their health</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>By raising awareness about MedicAlert, the month also brings attention to the importance of actively managing one's health. It serves as a reminder for individuals to keep track of any medication changes or updates to their medical information, creating a proactive and responsible approach towards self-care.</p></div></div>

5 Uncovered Facts for MedicAlert Awareness Month

<div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>1</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>MedicAlert bracelets can communicate where words fail</h3><p class='facts-content'>MedicAlert medical ID bracelets and necklaces can prevent catastrophic medical mistakes, as they contain vital health information which can be dynamic or static and spoken when individuals are unable to communicate because of a condition or medical emergency.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>2</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>MedicAlert IDs can't be counterfeited</h3><p class='facts-content'>Every MedicAlert medical ID contains a unique identification number providing additional proof of authenticity. The identification number is directly linked to your MedicAlert medical record which aids in reliability and trust.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>3</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>On-site engraving makes MedicAlert IDs unique and customized</h3><p class='facts-content'>All MedicAlert ID's are uniquely yours, engraved on site at the MedicAlert Foundation with your most critical information. This ensures personalized and accurate information that could potentially save you in case of an emergency.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>4</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>24/7 Emergency Response Services for the members</h3><p class='facts-content'>MedicAlert Foundation provides 24/7 Emergency Response Services. When any individual is in distress, the emergency response gets activated offering your critical health information to emergency responders when needed.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>5</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>MedicAlert ID's aren't just for allergies or conditions</h3><p class='facts-content'>While many use MedicAlert IDs to communicate allergies or health conditions, they can also include other critical information like emergency contacts or the language you speak, which can be very helpful in a crisis situation.</p></div></div>

MedicAlert Awareness Month FAQs

When is MedicAlert Awareness Month?

MedicAlert Awareness Month is celebrated on August 1 every year. In 2024, MedicAlert Awareness Month will occur on a Thursday.

MedicAlert Awareness Month Dates



Aug 1



Aug 1



Aug 1



Aug 1



Aug 1


Health Holidays