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National Internship Awareness Month

Calling all students and recent grads - it's National Internship Awareness Month! Discover valuable opportunities to kickstart your career!
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When it is?
April 1
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United States

Calling all interns and internship seekers – get ready to celebrate National Internship Awareness Month throughout the entire month of April! This holiday was established in 2017 to recognize and promote the value of internships for both students and employers. It's a time to highlight the important role that internships play in career development and gaining valuable hands-on experience. Whether you're currently interning or considering one, this month is all about celebrating your hard work and dedication. Let's make the most out of this exciting month together!

History of National Internship Awareness Month

National Internship Awareness Month Dates

National Internship Awareness Month Timeline

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1960s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Rise of Internship Programs</div><div class='timeline-text'>Internship programs began gaining popularity in the United States during the 1960s, particularly within business and industry sectors.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1980s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Internships Become Essential</div><div class='timeline-text'>By the 1980s, internships became a crucial stepping stone for students and recent graduates looking to gain relevant work experience in their chosen fields.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2000s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Digital and Remote Internships</div><div class='timeline-text'>In the early 2000s, technological advancements led to an increase in remote and digital internships, offering greater flexibility to interns worldwide.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2011</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Recognition of Intern Rights</div><div class='timeline-text'>Internship rights gained prominence following high-profile lawsuits by unpaid interns against major companies, leading to greater attention to intern rights and compensation.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2017</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Establishment of Awareness Month</div><div class='timeline-text'>National Internship Awareness Month was established in 2017 to celebrate and highlight the value of internships in career development.</div></div></div>

How to Celebrate National Internship Awareness Month

<div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>1</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Attend an internship fair</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Find out if there are any internship fairs happening in your area and attend one! This is a great way to learn about different internship opportunities and network with potential employers.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>2</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Share your internship experience on social media</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Use the hashtag #InternshipAwarenessMonth and share your internship experience on social media. This can help raise awareness and inspire others to seek out internships.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>3</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Host an informational session for students</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>If you have completed an internship, consider hosting an informational session at your school or local library to share your experience and provide tips for landing an internship.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>4</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Write a blog post about your internship</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Start a blog or contribute to your school's blog and write about your internship experience. This can be a great way to reflect on what you have learned and share advice with others.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>5</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Create a portfolio of your internship work</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Compile your best work from your internship and create a portfolio to showcase your skills and experience. This can be helpful for future job interviews and applications.</p></div></div>

Why National Internship Awareness Month is Important

<div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>A</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Helps students gain valuable experience</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>The main purpose of an internship is to provide students with hands-on experience in their chosen field. By participating in an internship, students can apply the knowledge they have learned in the classroom and gain practical skills that will be useful in their future careers.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>B</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Helps with career exploration</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>Internships give students the opportunity to explore different industries and job roles before committing to a long-term career path. This can help them discover their interests and strengths, as well as what type of work environment they thrive in.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>C</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Opportunities for networking and building connections</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>Internships not only provide valuable experiences, but also opportunities for students to network with professionals in their desired field. Building connections through internships can lead to mentorship opportunities, references, and potential job offers after graduation.</p></div></div>

5 Intriguing Facts for Internship Awareness Month

<div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>1</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>Interns Contribute Immensely to the Workforce</h3><p class='facts-content'>According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers hired roughly 1.2 million interns in 2019, highlighting the significant contribution of interns to the workforce.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>2</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>Growth of Paid Internships</h3><p class='facts-content'>The prevalence of paid internships has been increasing, with research showing that 56% of internships were paid positions in 2019, up from 50% in 2012.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>3</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>High Intern Conversion Rates</h3><p class='facts-content'>Many interns secure full-time employment with their internship employers, with a 2019 survey finding that 56% of interns were offered permanent roles post-internship.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>4</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>A Wide Range of Fields Offer Internships</h3><p class='facts-content'>From technology and business to healthcare and arts, internships are prevalent across all industries, providing diverse learning opportunities for interns.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-number-wrapper'><p class='facts-number'>5</p></div><div class='facts-core-content'><h3 class='facts-title'>Internships Go Global</h3><p class='facts-content'>With technology breaking barriers, international internships are gaining popularity, allowing interns to experience new cultures while building global networks.</p></div></div>

National Internship Awareness Month FAQs

When is National Internship Awareness Month?

National Internship Awareness Month is celebrated on April 1 every year. In 2024 National Internship Awareness Month will occur on a Monday.

National Internship Awareness Month Dates



Apr 1



Apr 1



Apr 1



Apr 1



Apr 1


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