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National Milk Chocolate Day

Indulge your sweet tooth on National Milk Chocolate Day - try delicious recipes, pick up special treats, and enjoy all the creamy goodness!
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When it is?
July 28
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United States

Celebrate National Milk Chocolate Day on July 28 with a delicious treat! This day was created to honor the invention of milk chocolate, which dates back to 1875 when it was first developed by Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter. It quickly became one of the world’s most popular confections and is now enjoyed by people around the globe. Enjoy some creamy, sweet milk chocolate this National Milk Chocolate Day and indulge in all its deliciousness!

History of National Milk Chocolate Day

National Milk Chocolate Day Dates

National Milk Chocolate Day Timeline

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1875</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Invention of Milk Chocolate</div><div class='timeline-text'>Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter successfully added dried milk to chocolate to create milk chocolate.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1894</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars</div><div class='timeline-text'>Milton Hershey introduced the Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars, making it the first mass-produced chocolate in the United States.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1905</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Cadbury Dairy Milk Launch</div><div class='timeline-text'>Cadbury launched its 'Dairy Milk' chocolate bars in the United Kingdom, utilizing a higher proportion of milk than previous chocolate bars.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1930s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Kit Kat Introduction</div><div class='timeline-text'>Rowntree's of York, UK, introduced Kit Kat bars, which quickly became one of the most popular milk chocolate candies worldwide.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1960s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Ferrero Rocher Production Begin</div><div class='timeline-text'>Ferrero Rocher, a globally recognized milk chocolate treat, began production in Europe and quickly gained popularity around the world.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1990s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Gourmet Milk Chocolates</div><div class='timeline-text'>Gourmet chocolatiers begin to focus on premium milk chocolate products, leading to an evolution of the confectionery industry and a renewed appreciation for milk chocolate.</div></div></div>

How to Celebrate National Milk Chocolate Day

<div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>1</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Bake with milk chocolate</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Make a batch of brownies or cookies using milk chocolate for a sweet treat. Get creative and add some extra ingredients like nuts, dried fruit, marshmallows, etc. for an extra special treat.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>2</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Make a milkshake</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Add some milk chocolate to your favorite milkshake recipe and make a decadent treat. You can even get creative and make some unique flavor combinations like peanut butter and milk chocolate!</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>3</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Create a fondue</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Melt some milk chocolate in a double boiler on the stove, then dip some fresh fruit or other treats into it for a delicious snack. Make sure you have plenty of napkins handy for the drips.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>4</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Top ice cream with it</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Take your favorite vanilla ice cream and top it with some chopped up pieces of milk chocolate for a heavenly combination.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>5</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Make homemade truffles</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Mix melted milk chocolate with heavy cream, chill in the refrigerator until firm, then roll into balls and coat with cocoa powder or chopped nuts for a delicious homemade treat.</p></div></div>

Why We Love National Milk Chocolate Day

<div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>A</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Milk chocolate is rich and creamy</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>Who doesn't love the taste of milk chocolate? Its smooth, creamy texture and rich flavor make it one of the most beloved types of chocolate. Whether you enjoy it as a candy bar or use it in baking, there's no denying that milk chocolate is an indulgent treat!</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>B</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Milk chocolate is versatile</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>You can do so much with milk chocolate! From cookies to cakes, truffles to brownies - whatever your favorite dessert, you can use milk chocolate to give it an extra special touch of decadence. Plus, it's great for making homemade hot cocoa or simply enjoyed on its own.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>C</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Milk chocolate is affordable</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>It's easy to find high quality, affordable milk chocolate bars and chips at your local grocery store. So indulge your sweet tooth without breaking the bank - after all, National Milk Chocolate Day only comes once a year!</p></div></div>

5 Sweet Secrets of National Milk Chocolate Day

<div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-header'><h3 class='facts-number'>1</h3></div><div class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 class='facts-title'>Switzerland Consumes the Most Chocolate Worldwide</h3><p class='facts-text'>Swiss people are the world's top consumers of chocolate with an average person consuming 19.4 pounds a year, majority of which is milk chocolate.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-header'><h3 class='facts-number'>2</h3></div><div class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 class='facts-title'>Milk Chocolate Fuels Economy</h3><p class='facts-text'>The global milk chocolate market is expected to reach USD 95 billion by 2025, evidence of its immense popularity and contribution to the world economy.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-header'><h3 class='facts-number'>3</h3></div><div class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 class='facts-title'>Most Preferred Chocolate in the US</h3><p class='facts-text'>Research shows that 51% of those living in the United States prefer milk chocolate over other types, making it the most favored variety of all.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-header'><h3 class='facts-number'>4</h3></div><div class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 class='facts-title'>Milk Chocolate is Economically Fair</h3><p class='facts-text'>The "Fairtrade" system ensures that farmers and workers in developing countries get a better deal for their cocoa beans, making purchasing certified milk chocolate an ethical choice.</p></div></div><div class='facts-item'><div class='facts-header'><h3 class='facts-number'>5</h3></div><div class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 class='facts-title'>Milk Chocolate’s Health Benefits</h3><p class='facts-text'>Although chocolate is high in sugar and should be enjoyed in moderation, milk chocolate contains essential minerals like iron, copper and magnesium which support heart health and proper functioning of the body.</p></div></div>

National Milk Chocolate Day FAQs

When is National Milk Chocolate Day?

National Milk Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 28th every year. In 2024, National Milk Chocolate Day will occur on a Sunday.

National Milk Chocolate Day Dates



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Food & Beverage Holidays